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Set up Github environment

In order to get started with the workshop, it’s vital to have a github account, so you can also interact with the codebase and make changes as and when required. Here are a few steps that you need to follow along to be all set to get started with this workshop.

  • Fork the repository: You should already have a Github account (if not refer to onboarding, you need to access the AI4CI repository to interact with the code. In order to do so, go to the AI4CI repository and fork the repository by clicking on the fork button In the top-right corner of the page.


  • Generate Github Access token: To generate your Personal Access Token that can be used to download data from public Git repositories, go to this link, click on Generate Token

We only need to check public_repo which allows permission to Access public repositories.

Copy the personal access token now. You will not be able to see it again. It will be needed in the next Model Development step and will be used to set Environment Variables.
