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Step 1: Exploring Data

The purpose of this notebook is to do some basic data exploration. The goal is to better understand the data, so we can better create the training pipeline. This notebook attemps to answer questions such as how many unique models, how many unique vendors, missing data, correlation of the covariates and label, any intersting patterns in the SMART stats over time, etc.

import os

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import matplotlib
import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

import dask.dataframe as dd
from dask.diagnostics import ProgressBar

from joblib import parallel_backend
from dask.distributed import Client

from umap import UMAP
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

from src import utils

pd.set_option("display.max_rows", 75)
pd.set_option("display.max_columns", 500)
pbar = ProgressBar()
# inferred int32 types cause a type mismatch (int vs float) error when dask sees a null value
# null values cannot be interpreted as ints
custom_dtypes = {
    "date": "object",
    "serial_number": "object",
    "model": "object",
    "capacity_bytes": "float32",
    "failure": "float32",
    "smart_1_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_1_raw": "float32",
    "smart_2_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_2_raw": "float32",
    "smart_3_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_3_raw": "float32",
    "smart_4_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_4_raw": "float32",
    "smart_5_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_5_raw": "float32",
    "smart_7_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_7_raw": "float32",
    "smart_8_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_8_raw": "float32",
    "smart_9_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_9_raw": "float32",
    "smart_10_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_10_raw": "float32",
    "smart_11_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_11_raw": "float32",
    "smart_12_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_12_raw": "float32",
    "smart_13_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_13_raw": "float32",
    "smart_15_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_15_raw": "float32",
    "smart_16_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_16_raw": "float32",
    "smart_17_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_17_raw": "float32",
    "smart_22_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_22_raw": "float32",
    "smart_23_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_23_raw": "float32",
    "smart_24_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_24_raw": "float32",
    "smart_168_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_168_raw": "float32",
    "smart_170_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_170_raw": "float32",
    "smart_173_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_173_raw": "float32",
    "smart_174_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_174_raw": "float32",
    "smart_177_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_177_raw": "float32",
    "smart_179_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_179_raw": "float32",
    "smart_181_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_181_raw": "float32",
    "smart_182_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_182_raw": "float32",
    "smart_183_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_183_raw": "float32",
    "smart_184_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_184_raw": "float32",
    "smart_187_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_187_raw": "float32",
    "smart_188_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_188_raw": "float32",
    "smart_189_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_189_raw": "float32",
    "smart_190_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_190_raw": "float32",
    "smart_191_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_191_raw": "float32",
    "smart_192_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_192_raw": "float32",
    "smart_193_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_193_raw": "float32",
    "smart_194_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_194_raw": "float32",
    "smart_195_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_195_raw": "float32",
    "smart_196_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_196_raw": "float32",
    "smart_197_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_197_raw": "float32",
    "smart_198_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_198_raw": "float32",
    "smart_199_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_199_raw": "float32",
    "smart_200_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_200_raw": "float32",
    "smart_201_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_201_raw": "float32",
    "smart_218_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_218_raw": "float32",
    "smart_220_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_220_raw": "float32",
    "smart_222_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_222_raw": "float32",
    "smart_223_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_223_raw": "float32",
    "smart_224_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_224_raw": "float32",
    "smart_225_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_225_raw": "float32",
    "smart_226_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_226_raw": "float32",
    "smart_231_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_231_raw": "float32",
    "smart_232_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_232_raw": "float32",
    "smart_233_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_233_raw": "float32",
    "smart_235_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_235_raw": "float32",
    "smart_240_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_240_raw": "float32",
    "smart_241_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_241_raw": "float32",
    "smart_242_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_242_raw": "float32",
    "smart_250_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_250_raw": "float32",
    "smart_251_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_251_raw": "float32",
    "smart_252_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_252_raw": "float32",
    "smart_254_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_254_raw": "float32",
    "smart_255_normalized": "float32",
    "smart_255_raw": "float32",
# read all the (local) data into one dataframe
DATA_ROOT_DIR = "/home/kachauha/Downloads/"
df4 = dd.read_parquet(
    os.path.join(DATA_ROOT_DIR, "data_Q4_2018_parquet"), engine="pyarrow", index=False
df3 = dd.read_parquet(
    os.path.join(DATA_ROOT_DIR, "data_Q3_2018_parquet"), engine="pyarrow", index=False
df2 = dd.read_parquet(
    os.path.join(DATA_ROOT_DIR, "data_Q2_2018_parquet"), engine="pyarrow", index=False
df1 = dd.read_parquet(
    os.path.join(DATA_ROOT_DIR, "data_Q1_2018_parquet"), engine="pyarrow", index=False
df = utils.optimal_repartition_df(
    dd.concat(dfs=[df1, df2, df3, df4], interleave_partitions=True)
[########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 32.4s
# split into working vs failed drives serial number
failed_sers = df[df["failure"] == 1][["serial_number", "model"]].compute()
working_sers = (
        ["serial_number", "model"]

# sanity check - make sure we havent labelled a serial number as BOTH working and failed
assert ~working_sers["serial_number"].isin(failed_sers["serial_number"]).any()

# how many of each class
print(f"{len(failed_sers)} failed drives, {len(working_sers)} working drives")
[########################################] | 100% Completed | 34.3s [########################################] | 100% Completed | 52.2s 1381 failed drives, 122948 working drives

Manufacturer-level and Model-level analysis

The values of SMART stats and whether or not they are reported varies from vendor to vendor. Furthermore, simply including vendor as a feature may or may not work for all kinds of prediction models. Therefore, it may be a good idea to analyze the data in a vendor specific way.

# split data into vendors, print how many data points available for each vendor
seagate_df = df[df["model"].str.startswith("S")]
hgst_df = df[df["model"].str.startswith("HG")]
toshiba_df = df[df["model"].str.startswith("T")]
wdc_df = df[df["model"].str.startswith("W")]
hitachi_df = df[df["model"].str.startswith("Hi")]
[########################################] | 100% Completed | 46.9s ((28004260, 129),) [########################################] | 100% Completed | 44.2s ((7741899, 129),) [########################################] | 100% Completed | 43.0s ((482251, 129),) [########################################] | 100% Completed | 42.9s ((348371, 129),) [########################################] | 100% Completed | 41.8s ((123725, 129),)

The cell below determines how big of a chunk of the total dataset does each hard drive model comprise. Also, what percent of that model failed.

# how many drives by model, and what is the fail percentage
model_stats = pd.merge(

# rename the index column as the model column
model_stats.rename(columns={"index": "model"}, inplace=True)

# total count of model, raw value and as a percent of total drives
model_stats["total_count"] = model_stats["failed_count"] + model_stats["working_count"]
model_stats["total_percent"] = np.around(
    100 * model_stats["total_count"] / model_stats["total_count"].sum(), decimals=2

# percentage of instances that have failed, per model
model_stats["fail_percent"] = np.around(
    100 * model_stats["failed_count"] / model_stats["total_count"], decimals=2

# add manufacturer/vendor column
model_stats["vendor"] = model_stats["model"].apply(utils.get_vendor)

model_stats.sort_values(by=["total_count"], ascending=False)
model failed_count working_count total_count total_percent fail_percent vendor
1 ST12000NM0007 297.0 32341.0 32638.0 26.25 0.91 Seagate
0 ST4000DM000 581.0 31583.0 32164.0 25.87 1.81 Seagate
4 HGST HMS5C4040BLE640 54.0 15328.0 15382.0 12.37 0.35 HGST
2 ST8000NM0055 126.0 14383.0 14509.0 11.67 0.87 Seagate
3 ST8000DM002 92.0 9873.0 9965.0 8.02 0.92 Seagate
7 HGST HMS5C4040ALE640 24.0 6531.0 6555.0 5.27 0.37 HGST
31 Hitachi HDS5C4040ALE630 0.0 2296.0 2296.0 1.85 0.00 Hitachi
8 ST6000DX000 17.0 1865.0 1882.0 1.51 0.90 Seagate
12 TOSHIBA MG07ACA14TA 9.0 1270.0 1279.0 1.03 0.70 Toshiba
28 HGST HUH721212ALN604 1.0 1278.0 1279.0 1.03 0.08 HGST
18 ST10000NM0086 4.0 1224.0 1228.0 0.99 0.33 Seagate
14 HGST HUH728080ALE600 7.0 1045.0 1052.0 0.85 0.67 HGST
6 ST500LM012 HN 41.0 668.0 709.0 0.57 5.78 Seagate
5 TOSHIBA MQ01ABF050 50.0 525.0 575.0 0.46 8.70 Toshiba
11 WDC WD60EFRX 9.0 428.0 437.0 0.35 2.06 WDC
30 ST4000DM001 1.0 391.0 392.0 0.32 0.26 Seagate
15 TOSHIBA MQ01ABF050M 6.0 375.0 381.0 0.31 1.57 Toshiba
9 WDC WD5000LPVX 16.0 301.0 317.0 0.25 5.05 WDC
17 WDC WD30EFRX 4.0 180.0 184.0 0.15 2.17 WDC
25 TOSHIBA MD04ABA400V 1.0 145.0 146.0 0.12 0.68 Toshiba
13 ST500LM030 7.0 111.0 118.0 0.09 5.93 Seagate
16 Hitachi HDS722020ALA330 5.0 104.0 109.0 0.09 4.59 Hitachi
24 HGST HDS5C4040ALE630 1.0 96.0 97.0 0.08 1.03 HGST
19 ST4000DM005 4.0 85.0 89.0 0.07 4.49 Seagate
32 WDC WD5000LPCX 0.0 56.0 56.0 0.05 0.00 WDC
33 WDC WD40EFRX 0.0 46.0 46.0 0.04 0.00 WDC
34 ST9250315AS 0.0 45.0 45.0 0.04 0.00 Seagate
35 TOSHIBA MD04ABA500V 0.0 45.0 45.0 0.04 0.00 Toshiba
26 WDC WD1600AAJS 1.0 42.0 43.0 0.03 2.33 WDC
22 HGST HUS726040ALE610 2.0 37.0 39.0 0.03 5.13 HGST
36 ST31500541AS 0.0 39.0 39.0 0.03 0.00 Seagate
23 ST8000DM005 2.0 25.0 27.0 0.02 7.41 Seagate
37 ST250LM004 HN 0.0 24.0 24.0 0.02 0.00 Seagate
29 WDC WD5000BPKT 1.0 20.0 21.0 0.02 4.76 WDC
38 TOSHIBA HDWF180 0.0 20.0 20.0 0.02 0.00 Toshiba
39 ST9320325AS 0.0 19.0 19.0 0.02 0.00 Seagate
40 ST6000DM001 0.0 15.0 15.0 0.01 0.00 Seagate
41 Seagate BarraCuda SSD ZA500CM10002 0.0 13.0 13.0 0.01 0.00 Seagate
42 ST3160316AS 0.0 12.0 12.0 0.01 0.00 Seagate
10 Samsung SSD 850 EVO 1TB 10.0 0.0 10.0 0.01 100.00 Seagate
43 TOSHIBA HDWE160 0.0 10.0 10.0 0.01 0.00 Toshiba
44 HGST HUH721010ALE600 0.0 10.0 10.0 0.01 0.00 HGST
45 ST320LT007 0.0 9.0 9.0 0.01 0.00 Seagate
21 ST8000DM004 3.0 4.0 7.0 0.01 42.86 Seagate
20 ST4000DX002 4.0 1.0 5.0 0.00 80.00 Seagate
46 ST3160318AS 0.0 5.0 5.0 0.00 0.00 Seagate
47 WDC WD2500BPVT 0.0 5.0 5.0 0.00 0.00 WDC
49 WDC WD2500AAJS 0.0 3.0 3.0 0.00 0.00 WDC
48 ST6000DM004 0.0 3.0 3.0 0.00 0.00 Seagate
50 WDC WD3200BEKX 0.0 2.0 2.0 0.00 0.00 WDC
51 WDC WD3200AAJS 0.0 2.0 2.0 0.00 0.00 WDC
52 Hitachi HDS724040ALE640 0.0 2.0 2.0 0.00 0.00 Hitachi
27 Hitachi HDS5C3030ALA630 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.00 100.00 Hitachi
53 WDC WD3200LPVX 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.00 0.00 WDC
54 HGST HMS5C4040BLE641 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.00 0.00 HGST
55 ST1000LM024 HN 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.00 0.00 Seagate
56 WDC WD3200AAKS 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.00 0.00 WDC
57 HGST HDS724040ALE640 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.00 0.00 HGST
58 WDC WD1600BPVT 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.00 0.00 WDC
59 Seagate BarraCuda SSD ZA2000CM10002 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.00 0.00 Seagate
60 ST33000651AS 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.00 0.00 Seagate

NOTE: Although there are 48 different models of hard drives being used, these are coming from only 5 unique vendors.

The cell below tries to find if the fail/work ratio is greater in some manufacturers than others. It also gives an idea of how much data do we have from each manufacturer.

# how many failed drives in each vendor
for mdf in (seagate_df, hgst_df, toshiba_df, wdc_df, hitachi_df):
    num_failed_sers = (mdf["failure"] == 1).sum().compute()
    num_working_sers = mdf["serial_number"].nunique().compute() - num_failed_sers
        "{} failed drives\n{} working drives".format(num_failed_sers, num_working_sers)
[########################################] | 100% Completed | 46.3s [########################################] | 100% Completed | 53.0s 1189 failed drives 92739 working drives ================================================================================ [########################################] | 100% Completed | 44.4s [########################################] | 100% Completed | 45.8s 89 failed drives 24327 working drives ================================================================================ [########################################] | 100% Completed | 42.6s [########################################] | 100% Completed | 42.5s 66 failed drives 2389 working drives ================================================================================ [########################################] | 100% Completed | 42.6s [########################################] | 100% Completed | 42.4s 31 failed drives 1088 working drives ================================================================================ [########################################] | 100% Completed | 42.3s [########################################] | 100% Completed | 42.2s 6 failed drives 2402 working drives ================================================================================
# get vendor-wise stats for failed vs working
vendor_stats = model_stats.groupby("vendor").sum()
vendor_stats["fail_percent"] = np.around(
    * vendor_stats["failed_count"]
    / (vendor_stats["failed_count"] + vendor_stats["working_count"]),
failed_count working_count total_count total_percent fail_percent
HGST 89.0 24327.0 24416.0 19.64 0.36
Hitachi 6.0 2402.0 2408.0 1.94 0.25
Seagate 1189.0 92741.0 93930.0 75.55 1.27
Toshiba 66.0 2390.0 2456.0 1.99 2.69
WDC 31.0 1088.0 1119.0 0.89 2.77
# within drives of a manufacturer, what is the distribution of models like
for mdf in (seagate_df, hgst_df, toshiba_df, wdc_df, hitachi_df):
    valcts = mdf["model"].value_counts().compute()
    sns.barplot(x=valcts.index, y=(valcts.values / valcts.sum()))
[########################################] | 100% Completed | 50.9s [########################################] | 100% Completed | 44.6s [########################################] | 100% Completed | 44.0s [########################################] | 100% Completed | 47.4s [########################################] | 100% Completed | 46.2s

NOTE: From the above barplots, it can be seen that only a few models comprise a huge chunk of all the data from a manufacturer

Analyze Critical Stats

These are the columns specified by wikipedia, backblaze, and IBM research as good predictors.

  1. Backblaze mentions five stats as better predictors than others. These are 5, 187, 188, 197, 198.They also provide some analysis using these features.
  2. IBM published a paper regarding drive failure prediction as well.
  3. Wikipedia also mentions some predictors as critical.

crit_cols_raw = ["smart_{}_raw".format(i) for i in CRITICAL_STATS]
crit_cols_normalized = ["smart_{}_normalized".format(i) for i in CRITICAL_STATS]

SMART Stats Descriptions

Source: Wikipedia

Putting descriptions here to help better make sense of the results that follow.

184 = end to end error / ioedc : This attribute is a part of Hewlett-Packard's SMART IV technology, as well as part of other vendors' IO Error Detection and Correction schemas, and it contains a count of parity errors which occur in the data path to the media via the drive's cache RAM.

187 = reported uncorrectable errors : The count of errors that could not be recovered using hardware ECC (see attribute 195)

188 = command timeout : The count of aborted operations due to HDD timeout. Normally this attribute value should be equal to zero.

189 = high fly write : This feature is implemented in most modern Seagate drives and some of Western Digital's drives, beginning with the WD Enterprise WDE18300 and WDE9180 Ultra2 SCSI hard drives, and will be included on all future WD Enterprise products.

190 = temp diff / airflow diff : Value is equal to (100-temp. °C), allowing manufacturer to set a minimum threshold which corresponds to a maximum temperature. This also follows the convention of 100 being a best-case value and lower values being undesirable. However, some older drives may instead report raw Temperature (identical to 0xC2) or Temperature minus 50 here.

196 = reallocation event count : Count of remap operations. The raw value of this attribute shows the total count of attempts to transfer data from reallocated sectors to a spare area. Both successful and unsuccessful attempts are counted

201 = soft read eror rate or TA counter detected : Count indicates the number of uncorrectable software read errors.

NaN Counts

# number of nans
print("All data")
nan_count = utils.get_nan_count_percent(
    df[crit_cols_raw + crit_cols_normalized]
All data [########################################] | 100% Completed | 37.9s [########################################] | 100% Completed | 36.4s
count percent
smart_1_raw 1069 0.000029
smart_5_raw 1335 0.000036
smart_7_raw 1569 0.000043
smart_10_raw 1569 0.000043
smart_184_raw 16714033 0.455417
smart_187_raw 8930415 0.243332
smart_188_raw 8930649 0.243339
smart_189_raw 16714033 0.455417
smart_190_raw 8930415 0.243332
smart_193_raw 240980 0.006566
smart_194_raw 1069 0.000029
smart_196_raw 27771426 0.756704
smart_197_raw 1569 0.000043
smart_198_raw 1569 0.000043
smart_201_raw 36700506 1.000000
smart_240_raw 8429261 0.229677
smart_241_raw 8937648 0.243529
smart_242_raw 8937882 0.243536
smart_1_normalized 1069 0.000029
smart_5_normalized 1335 0.000036
smart_7_normalized 1569 0.000043
smart_10_normalized 1569 0.000043
smart_184_normalized 16714033 0.455417
smart_187_normalized 8930415 0.243332
smart_188_normalized 8930649 0.243339
smart_189_normalized 16714033 0.455417
smart_190_normalized 8930415 0.243332
smart_193_normalized 240980 0.006566
smart_194_normalized 1069 0.000029
smart_196_normalized 27771426 0.756704
smart_197_normalized 1569 0.000043
smart_198_normalized 1569 0.000043
smart_201_normalized 36700506 1.000000
smart_240_normalized 8429261 0.229677
smart_241_normalized 8937648 0.243529
smart_242_normalized 8937882 0.243536

Some vendors may not provide certain SMART stats. This could be one possible explanation for the high number of nans. If this is the case, then that particular feature will not be helpful for predicting status of a drive from that vendor. Lets get the vendor-wise nans

seagate_nan_ct = utils.get_nan_count_percent(
    seagate_df[crit_cols_raw + crit_cols_normalized]
Seagate [########################################] | 100% Completed | 47.7s [########################################] | 100% Completed | 48.2s
count percent
smart_1_raw 970 0.000035
smart_5_raw 1236 0.000044
smart_7_raw 1470 0.000052
smart_10_raw 1470 0.000052
smart_184_raw 8017787 0.286306
smart_187_raw 234169 0.008362
smart_188_raw 234403 0.008370
smart_189_raw 8017787 0.286306
smart_190_raw 234169 0.008362
smart_193_raw 240881 0.008602
smart_194_raw 970 0.000035
smart_196_raw 27771327 0.991682
smart_197_raw 1470 0.000052
smart_198_raw 1470 0.000052
smart_201_raw 28004260 1.000000
smart_240_raw 246153 0.008790
smart_241_raw 245419 0.008764
smart_242_raw 245653 0.008772
smart_1_normalized 970 0.000035
smart_5_normalized 1236 0.000044
smart_7_normalized 1470 0.000052
smart_10_normalized 1470 0.000052
smart_184_normalized 8017787 0.286306
smart_187_normalized 234169 0.008362
smart_188_normalized 234403 0.008370
smart_189_normalized 8017787 0.286306
smart_190_normalized 234169 0.008362
smart_193_normalized 240881 0.008602
smart_194_normalized 970 0.000035
smart_196_normalized 27771327 0.991682
smart_197_normalized 1470 0.000052
smart_198_normalized 1470 0.000052
smart_201_normalized 28004260 1.000000
smart_240_normalized 246153 0.008790
smart_241_normalized 245419 0.008764
smart_242_normalized 245653 0.008772
wdc_nan_ct = utils.get_nan_count_percent(
    wdc_df[crit_cols_raw + crit_cols_normalized]
WDC [########################################] | 100% Completed | 43.3s [########################################] | 100% Completed | 43.4s
count percent
smart_1_raw 0 0.000000
smart_5_raw 0 0.000000
smart_7_raw 0 0.000000
smart_10_raw 0 0.000000
smart_184_raw 348371 1.000000
smart_187_raw 348371 1.000000
smart_188_raw 348371 1.000000
smart_189_raw 348371 1.000000
smart_190_raw 348371 1.000000
smart_193_raw 0 0.000000
smart_194_raw 0 0.000000
smart_196_raw 0 0.000000
smart_197_raw 0 0.000000
smart_198_raw 0 0.000000
smart_201_raw 348371 1.000000
smart_240_raw 317479 0.911324
smart_241_raw 344354 0.988469
smart_242_raw 344354 0.988469
smart_1_normalized 0 0.000000
smart_5_normalized 0 0.000000
smart_7_normalized 0 0.000000
smart_10_normalized 0 0.000000
smart_184_normalized 348371 1.000000
smart_187_normalized 348371 1.000000
smart_188_normalized 348371 1.000000
smart_189_normalized 348371 1.000000
smart_190_normalized 348371 1.000000
smart_193_normalized 0 0.000000
smart_194_normalized 0 0.000000
smart_196_normalized 0 0.000000
smart_197_normalized 0 0.000000
smart_198_normalized 0 0.000000
smart_201_normalized 348371 1.000000
smart_240_normalized 317479 0.911324
smart_241_normalized 344354 0.988469
smart_242_normalized 344354 0.988469
hgst_nan_ct = utils.get_nan_count_percent(
    hgst_df[crit_cols_raw + crit_cols_normalized]
HGST [########################################] | 100% Completed | 46.6s [########################################] | 100% Completed | 47.2s
count percent
smart_1_raw 94 0.000012
smart_5_raw 94 0.000012
smart_7_raw 94 0.000012
smart_10_raw 94 0.000012
smart_184_raw 7741899 1.000000
smart_187_raw 7741899 1.000000
smart_188_raw 7741899 1.000000
smart_189_raw 7741899 1.000000
smart_190_raw 7741899 1.000000
smart_193_raw 94 0.000012
smart_194_raw 94 0.000012
smart_196_raw 94 0.000012
smart_197_raw 94 0.000012
smart_198_raw 94 0.000012
smart_201_raw 7741899 1.000000
smart_240_raw 7741899 1.000000
smart_241_raw 7741899 1.000000
smart_242_raw 7741899 1.000000
smart_1_normalized 94 0.000012
smart_5_normalized 94 0.000012
smart_7_normalized 94 0.000012
smart_10_normalized 94 0.000012
smart_184_normalized 7741899 1.000000
smart_187_normalized 7741899 1.000000
smart_188_normalized 7741899 1.000000
smart_189_normalized 7741899 1.000000
smart_190_normalized 7741899 1.000000
smart_193_normalized 94 0.000012
smart_194_normalized 94 0.000012
smart_196_normalized 94 0.000012
smart_197_normalized 94 0.000012
smart_198_normalized 94 0.000012
smart_201_normalized 7741899 1.000000
smart_240_normalized 7741899 1.000000
smart_241_normalized 7741899 1.000000
smart_242_normalized 7741899 1.000000
hitachi_nan_ct = utils.get_nan_count_percent(
    hitachi_df[crit_cols_raw + crit_cols_normalized]
Hitachi [########################################] | 100% Completed | 43.4s [########################################] | 100% Completed | 42.9s
count percent
smart_1_raw 0 0.0
smart_5_raw 0 0.0
smart_7_raw 0 0.0
smart_10_raw 0 0.0
smart_184_raw 123725 1.0
smart_187_raw 123725 1.0
smart_188_raw 123725 1.0
smart_189_raw 123725 1.0
smart_190_raw 123725 1.0
smart_193_raw 0 0.0
smart_194_raw 0 0.0
smart_196_raw 0 0.0
smart_197_raw 0 0.0
smart_198_raw 0 0.0
smart_201_raw 123725 1.0
smart_240_raw 123725 1.0
smart_241_raw 123725 1.0
smart_242_raw 123725 1.0
smart_1_normalized 0 0.0
smart_5_normalized 0 0.0
smart_7_normalized 0 0.0
smart_10_normalized 0 0.0
smart_184_normalized 123725 1.0
smart_187_normalized 123725 1.0
smart_188_normalized 123725 1.0
smart_189_normalized 123725 1.0
smart_190_normalized 123725 1.0
smart_193_normalized 0 0.0
smart_194_normalized 0 0.0
smart_196_normalized 0 0.0
smart_197_normalized 0 0.0
smart_198_normalized 0 0.0
smart_201_normalized 123725 1.0
smart_240_normalized 123725 1.0
smart_241_normalized 123725 1.0
smart_242_normalized 123725 1.0
toshiba_nan_ct = utils.get_nan_count_percent(
    toshiba_df[crit_cols_raw + crit_cols_normalized]
Toshiba [########################################] | 100% Completed | 43.8s [########################################] | 100% Completed | 46.3s
count percent
smart_1_raw 5 0.00001
smart_5_raw 5 0.00001
smart_7_raw 5 0.00001
smart_10_raw 5 0.00001
smart_184_raw 482251 1.00000
smart_187_raw 482251 1.00000
smart_188_raw 482251 1.00000
smart_189_raw 482251 1.00000
smart_190_raw 482251 1.00000
smart_193_raw 5 0.00001
smart_194_raw 5 0.00001
smart_196_raw 5 0.00001
smart_197_raw 5 0.00001
smart_198_raw 5 0.00001
smart_201_raw 482251 1.00000
smart_240_raw 5 0.00001
smart_241_raw 482251 1.00000
smart_242_raw 482251 1.00000
smart_1_normalized 5 0.00001
smart_5_normalized 5 0.00001
smart_7_normalized 5 0.00001
smart_10_normalized 5 0.00001
smart_184_normalized 482251 1.00000
smart_187_normalized 482251 1.00000
smart_188_normalized 482251 1.00000
smart_189_normalized 482251 1.00000
smart_190_normalized 482251 1.00000
smart_193_normalized 5 0.00001
smart_194_normalized 5 0.00001
smart_196_normalized 5 0.00001
smart_197_normalized 5 0.00001
smart_198_normalized 5 0.00001
smart_201_normalized 482251 1.00000
smart_240_normalized 5 0.00001
smart_241_normalized 482251 1.00000
smart_242_normalized 482251 1.00000

NOTE: are the nans meaningless or do they imply 0?

This will be analyzed in the data_cleaner_*.ipynb notebooks.

# let's see if there are unusual amounts of nan's within each model too
# if there is, then that means there was probably something wrong with data collection
top_models_seagate = ["ST12000NM0007", "ST4000DM000", "ST8000NM0055"]
for model in top_models_seagate:
    # get nan counts and percents, but print only those which are not 0 or 1
    nanct = utils.get_nan_count_percent(seagate_df[seagate_df["model"] == model])
    print(nanct[(nanct["percent"] != 0) & (nanct["percent"] != 1)].compute())
count percent smart_1_normalized 442 0.000057 smart_1_raw 442 0.000057 smart_3_normalized 442 0.000057 smart_3_raw 442 0.000057 smart_4_normalized 442 0.000057 smart_4_raw 442 0.000057 smart_5_normalized 442 0.000057 smart_5_raw 442 0.000057 smart_7_normalized 442 0.000057 smart_7_raw 442 0.000057 smart_9_normalized 442 0.000057 smart_9_raw 442 0.000057 smart_10_normalized 442 0.000057 smart_10_raw 442 0.000057 smart_12_normalized 442 0.000057 smart_12_raw 442 0.000057 smart_187_normalized 442 0.000057 smart_187_raw 442 0.000057 smart_188_normalized 442 0.000057 smart_188_raw 442 0.000057 smart_190_normalized 442 0.000057 smart_190_raw 442 0.000057 smart_192_normalized 442 0.000057 smart_192_raw 442 0.000057 smart_193_normalized 442 0.000057 smart_193_raw 442 0.000057 smart_194_normalized 442 0.000057 smart_194_raw 442 0.000057 smart_195_normalized 442 0.000057 smart_195_raw 442 0.000057 smart_197_normalized 442 0.000057 smart_197_raw 442 0.000057 smart_198_normalized 442 0.000057 smart_198_raw 442 0.000057 smart_199_normalized 442 0.000057 smart_199_raw 442 0.000057 smart_200_normalized 442 0.000057 smart_200_raw 442 0.000057 smart_240_normalized 442 0.000057 smart_240_raw 442 0.000057 smart_241_normalized 442 0.000057 smart_241_raw 442 0.000057 smart_242_normalized 442 0.000057 smart_242_raw 442 0.000057 count percent smart_1_normalized 157 0.000016 smart_1_raw 157 0.000016 smart_3_normalized 157 0.000016 smart_3_raw 157 0.000016 smart_4_normalized 157 0.000016 smart_4_raw 157 0.000016 smart_5_normalized 157 0.000016 smart_5_raw 157 0.000016 smart_7_normalized 157 0.000016 smart_7_raw 157 0.000016 smart_9_normalized 157 0.000016 smart_9_raw 157 0.000016 smart_10_normalized 157 0.000016 smart_10_raw 157 0.000016 smart_12_normalized 157 0.000016 smart_12_raw 157 0.000016 smart_183_normalized 157 0.000016 smart_183_raw 157 0.000016 smart_184_normalized 157 0.000016 smart_184_raw 157 0.000016 smart_187_normalized 157 0.000016 smart_187_raw 157 0.000016 smart_188_normalized 157 0.000016 smart_188_raw 157 0.000016 smart_189_normalized 157 0.000016 smart_189_raw 157 0.000016 smart_190_normalized 157 0.000016 smart_190_raw 157 0.000016 smart_191_normalized 157 0.000016 smart_191_raw 157 0.000016 smart_192_normalized 157 0.000016 smart_192_raw 157 0.000016 smart_193_normalized 157 0.000016 smart_193_raw 157 0.000016 smart_194_normalized 157 0.000016 smart_194_raw 157 0.000016 smart_197_normalized 157 0.000016 smart_197_raw 157 0.000016 smart_198_normalized 157 0.000016 smart_198_raw 157 0.000016 smart_199_normalized 157 0.000016 smart_199_raw 157 0.000016 smart_240_normalized 157 0.000016 smart_240_raw 157 0.000016 smart_241_normalized 157 0.000016 smart_241_raw 157 0.000016 smart_242_normalized 157 0.000016 smart_242_raw 157 0.000016 count percent smart_1_normalized 55 0.00001 smart_1_raw 55 0.00001 smart_3_normalized 55 0.00001 smart_3_raw 55 0.00001 smart_4_normalized 55 0.00001 smart_4_raw 55 0.00001 smart_5_normalized 55 0.00001 smart_5_raw 55 0.00001 smart_7_normalized 55 0.00001 smart_7_raw 55 0.00001 smart_9_normalized 55 0.00001 smart_9_raw 55 0.00001 smart_10_normalized 55 0.00001 smart_10_raw 55 0.00001 smart_12_normalized 55 0.00001 smart_12_raw 55 0.00001 smart_184_normalized 55 0.00001 smart_184_raw 55 0.00001 smart_187_normalized 55 0.00001 smart_187_raw 55 0.00001 smart_188_normalized 55 0.00001 smart_188_raw 55 0.00001 smart_189_normalized 55 0.00001 smart_189_raw 55 0.00001 smart_190_normalized 55 0.00001 smart_190_raw 55 0.00001 smart_191_normalized 55 0.00001 smart_191_raw 55 0.00001 smart_192_normalized 55 0.00001 smart_192_raw 55 0.00001 smart_193_normalized 55 0.00001 smart_193_raw 55 0.00001 smart_194_normalized 55 0.00001 smart_194_raw 55 0.00001 smart_195_normalized 55 0.00001 smart_195_raw 55 0.00001 smart_197_normalized 55 0.00001 smart_197_raw 55 0.00001 smart_198_normalized 55 0.00001 smart_198_raw 55 0.00001 smart_199_normalized 55 0.00001 smart_199_raw 55 0.00001 smart_240_normalized 55 0.00001 smart_240_raw 55 0.00001 smart_241_normalized 55 0.00001 smart_241_raw 55 0.00001 smart_242_normalized 55 0.00001 smart_242_raw 55 0.00001
# general description
# NOTE: the columns with all values NAN must be removed otherwise a value error is thrown
summary = df[nan_count.index[nan_count["percent"] != 1]].describe().compute()
[########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 6.1s
smart_1_raw smart_5_raw smart_7_raw smart_10_raw smart_184_raw smart_187_raw smart_188_raw smart_189_raw smart_190_raw smart_193_raw smart_194_raw smart_196_raw smart_197_raw smart_198_raw smart_240_raw smart_241_raw smart_242_raw smart_1_normalized smart_5_normalized smart_7_normalized smart_10_normalized smart_184_normalized smart_187_normalized smart_188_normalized smart_189_normalized smart_190_normalized smart_193_normalized smart_194_normalized smart_196_normalized smart_197_normalized smart_198_normalized smart_240_normalized smart_241_normalized smart_242_normalized
count 3.669944e+07 3.669917e+07 3.669894e+07 3.669894e+07 1.998647e+07 2.777009e+07 2.776986e+07 1.998647e+07 2.777009e+07 3.645953e+07 3.669944e+07 8.929080e+06 3.669894e+07 3.669894e+07 2.827124e+07 2.776286e+07 2.776262e+07 3.669944e+07 3.669917e+07 3.669894e+07 3.669894e+07 1.998647e+07 2.777009e+07 2.776986e+07 1.998647e+07 2.777009e+07 3.645953e+07 3.669944e+07 8.929080e+06 3.669894e+07 3.669894e+07 2.827124e+07 2.776286e+07 2.776262e+07
mean 9.245211e+07 4.234648e+00 3.094477e+09 1.737661e+01 8.348497e-03 6.757353e-02 7.902177e+07 9.502234e+00 2.840635e+01 1.741274e+04 2.838011e+01 4.711752e-01 1.117139e-01 1.073078e-01 3.099953e+12 3.667505e+10 8.648306e+10 9.606600e+01 1.019101e+02 9.146092e+01 1.009584e+02 9.999167e+01 9.993825e+01 1.000001e+02 9.867809e+01 7.159428e+01 9.341934e+01 7.012979e+01 1.078518e+02 1.019113e+02 1.009938e+02 9.996036e+01 1.000145e+02 1.000145e+02
std 8.067240e+07 2.649165e+02 5.505890e+11 1.533640e+03 4.436532e-01 1.263756e+01 3.442275e+09 6.387947e+02 6.525753e+00 7.335219e+04 6.033230e+00 1.940358e+01 3.169116e+01 3.168643e+01 2.390528e+13 1.247371e+10 2.596269e+11 1.862878e+01 1.542695e+01 1.696676e+01 1.207357e+01 4.436532e-01 1.072197e+00 1.122683e-03 5.817690e+00 6.527210e+00 1.946688e+01 7.709105e+01 3.052469e+01 1.541177e+01 1.218965e+01 1.271935e+00 1.202787e+00 1.202788e+00
min 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 1.300000e+01 0.000000e+00 1.200000e+01 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 4.500000e+01 1.000000e+00 2.400000e+01 7.500000e+01 2.400000e+01 1.000000e+00 9.700000e+01 1.000000e+00 4.400000e+01 1.000000e+00 1.300000e+01 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 2.500000e+01 9.900000e+01 1.000000e+02
25% 6.765948e+06 0.000000e+00 5.476350e+07 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 2.600000e+01 3.850000e+02 2.700000e+01 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 8.410000e+03 3.379063e+10 6.591016e+10 8.300000e+01 1.000000e+02 8.900000e+01 1.000000e+02 1.000000e+02 1.000000e+02 1.000000e+02 1.000000e+02 6.800000e+01 9.800000e+01 2.900000e+01 1.000000e+02 1.000000e+02 1.000000e+02 1.000000e+02 1.000000e+02 1.000000e+02
50% 8.764862e+07 0.000000e+00 4.826357e+08 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 3.100000e+01 3.443000e+03 3.100000e+01 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 1.411800e+04 4.205447e+10 8.620323e+10 1.000000e+02 1.000000e+02 9.400000e+01 1.000000e+02 1.000000e+02 1.000000e+02 1.000000e+02 1.000000e+02 7.400000e+01 1.000000e+02 3.700000e+01 1.000000e+02 1.000000e+02 1.000000e+02 1.000000e+02 1.000000e+02 1.000000e+02
75% 1.688201e+08 0.000000e+00 1.268629e+09 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 3.600000e+01 1.402650e+04 3.500000e+01 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 2.525600e+04 5.044046e+10 1.177307e+11 1.150000e+02 1.000000e+02 1.000000e+02 1.000000e+02 1.000000e+02 1.000000e+02 1.000000e+02 1.000000e+02 7.800000e+01 1.000000e+02 1.870000e+02 1.000000e+02 1.000000e+02 1.000000e+02 1.000000e+02 1.000000e+02 1.000000e+02
max 8.449025e+08 6.501600e+04 2.814717e+14 3.276800e+05 7.600000e+01 6.553500e+04 6.013057e+11 6.553500e+04 1.410000e+02 1.692766e+07 1.410000e+02 3.938000e+03 1.426160e+05 1.426160e+05 2.814707e+14 1.790039e+11 3.237733e+13 2.000000e+02 2.520000e+02 2.520000e+02 2.520000e+02 1.000000e+02 1.000000e+02 1.000000e+02 1.000000e+02 2.150000e+02 2.000000e+02 2.530000e+02 2.520000e+02 2.520000e+02 2.520000e+02 1.000000e+02 2.000000e+02 2.000000e+02
# number of rows to use for plotting - sampling is done iff number of rows is too much to keep in memory
num_rows_to_sample = 5000000
# plot histograms for overall data
# it would probably be more insightful to do this per vendor, but start with overall
# dont make the hist if all values are nan
hist_cols = nan_count.index[
    nan_count["percent"] < 0.25
]  # + ['failure', 'capacity_bytes']
len_df = len(df)
for col in hist_cols:
    # get all the values for this column
    if num_rows_to_sample < len_df:
        data = df[col].sample(frac=num_rows_to_sample / len_df).compute()
        data = df[col].compute()

    # plot only the non null values
        "out of",
        "are NaN values. These are not shown on the graph below",
[########################################] | 100% Completed | 35.4s 133 out of 4999997 are NaN values. These are not shown on the graph below [########################################] | 100% Completed | 34.3s 163 out of 4999997 are NaN values. These are not shown on the graph below [########################################] | 100% Completed | 33.9s 216 out of 4999997 are NaN values. These are not shown on the graph below [########################################] | 100% Completed | 33.7s 197 out of 4999997 are NaN values. These are not shown on the graph below [########################################] | 100% Completed | 33.5s 1216760 out of 4999997 are NaN values. These are not shown on the graph below [########################################] | 100% Completed | 33.5s 1217591 out of 4999997 are NaN values. These are not shown on the graph below [########################################] | 100% Completed | 33.5s 1214772 out of 4999997 are NaN values. These are not shown on the graph below [########################################] | 100% Completed | 33.7s 32765 out of 4999997 are NaN values. These are not shown on the graph below [########################################] | 100% Completed | 33.7s 157 out of 4999997 are NaN values. These are not shown on the graph below [########################################] | 100% Completed | 37.0s 266 out of 4999997 are NaN values. These are not shown on the graph below [########################################] | 100% Completed | 33.5s 213 out of 4999997 are NaN values. These are not shown on the graph below [########################################] | 100% Completed | 33.3s 1148971 out of 4999997 are NaN values. These are not shown on the graph below [########################################] | 100% Completed | 33.4s 1217502 out of 4999997 are NaN values. These are not shown on the graph below [########################################] | 100% Completed | 33.3s 1216922 out of 4999997 are NaN values. These are not shown on the graph below [########################################] | 100% Completed | 33.1s 150 out of 4999997 are NaN values. These are not shown on the graph below [########################################] | 100% Completed | 33.1s 188 out of 4999997 are NaN values. These are not shown on the graph below [########################################] | 100% Completed | 33.2s 210 out of 4999997 are NaN values. These are not shown on the graph below [########################################] | 100% Completed | 33.8s 228 out of 4999997 are NaN values. These are not shown on the graph below [########################################] | 100% Completed | 33.8s 1218351 out of 4999997 are NaN values. These are not shown on the graph below [########################################] | 100% Completed | 33.3s 1216144 out of 4999997 are NaN values. These are not shown on the graph below [########################################] | 100% Completed | 33.3s 1217148 out of 4999997 are NaN values. These are not shown on the graph below [########################################] | 100% Completed | 33.4s 32848 out of 4999997 are NaN values. These are not shown on the graph below [########################################] | 100% Completed | 33.4s 142 out of 4999997 are NaN values. These are not shown on the graph below [########################################] | 100% Completed | 33.3s 220 out of 4999997 are NaN values. These are not shown on the graph below [########################################] | 100% Completed | 33.3s 217 out of 4999997 are NaN values. These are not shown on the graph below [########################################] | 100% Completed | 33.5s 1148709 out of 4999997 are NaN values. These are not shown on the graph below [########################################] | 100% Completed | 34.0s 1216598 out of 4999997 are NaN values. These are not shown on the graph below [########################################] | 100% Completed | 33.1s 1217544 out of 4999997 are NaN values. These are not shown on the graph below
# correlation with failure
# corr_cols = ['failure', 'capacity_bytes'] + crit_cols_raw + crit_cols_normalized
corr_cols = ["failure", "capacity_bytes"] + list(
    nan_count.index[nan_count["percent"] != 1]
downsampled_sers = (
    + working_sers["serial_number"].sample(n=75000).values.tolist()
corr_mat = df[df["serial_number"].isin(downsampled_sers)][corr_cols].corr().compute()
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))
    cbar_kws={"shrink": 0.5},
[########################################] | 100% Completed | 5min 40.7s
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f0b84244fd0>
# only those attributes with less than NAN_PERCENT_THRESHOLD% values as NaN's
# will be selected for computing the correaltion matirx
# correlation matrix for seagaet drives
seagate_corr_cols = ["failure", "capacity_bytes"] + list(
    seagate_nan_ct.index[seagate_nan_ct["percent"] < NAN_PERCENT_THRESHOLD]
seagate_corr = (
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))
    cbar_kws={"shrink": 0.5},
[########################################] | 100% Completed | 4min 7.8s
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f0b9e2ae438>
# correlation matrix for wdc drives
wdc_corr_cols = ["failure", "capacity_bytes"] + list(
    wdc_nan_ct.index[wdc_nan_ct["percent"] < NAN_PERCENT_THRESHOLD]
wdc_corr = wdc_df[wdc_corr_cols].corr().compute()
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))
    cbar_kws={"shrink": 0.5},
[########################################] | 100% Completed | 57.5s
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f0b62469eb8>
# correlation matrix for hgst drives
hgst_corr_cols = ["failure", "capacity_bytes"] + list(
    hgst_nan_ct.index[hgst_nan_ct["percent"] < NAN_PERCENT_THRESHOLD]
hgst_corr = hgst_df[hgst_corr_cols].corr().compute()
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))
    cbar_kws={"shrink": 0.5},
[########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 22.2s
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f0b84216630>
# correlation matrix for hitachi drives
hitachi_corr_cols = ["failure", "capacity_bytes"] + list(
    hitachi_nan_ct.index[hitachi_nan_ct["percent"] < NAN_PERCENT_THRESHOLD]
hitachi_corr = hitachi_df[hitachi_corr_cols].corr().compute()
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))
    cbar_kws={"shrink": 0.5},
[########################################] | 100% Completed | 56.9s
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f0b61fd43c8>
# correlation matrix for toshiba drives
toshiba_corr_cols = ["failure", "capacity_bytes"] + list(
    toshiba_nan_ct.index[toshiba_nan_ct["percent"] < NAN_PERCENT_THRESHOLD]
toshiba_corr = toshiba_df[toshiba_corr_cols].corr().compute()
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))
    cbar_kws={"shrink": 0.5},
[########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 0.3s
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f0bda21e438>
# TODO: Might be better to call compute to get the combined data of all serials in subset
# as opposed to calling it for earch serial number in for loop

# NOTE: running this cell will take a VERY long time (~1hr on intel i7 w/ 16GB ram)
# adjust NUM_DRIVES_TO_SAMPLE to select a small subset to use for plotting

# plots for smart stat 5
# cols_to_plot = ['smart_5_raw', 'smart_7_raw']
cols_to_plot = crit_cols_raw + crit_cols_normalized
cols_to_plot.remove("smart_201_raw")  # too many nans
cols_to_plot.remove("smart_201_normalized")  # too many nans

# one figure per smart stat
figs = [plt.figure(i, figsize=(10, 10)) for i in range(len(cols_to_plot))]
axes = [f.add_subplot(111) for f in figs]
for colname, ax in zip(cols_to_plot, axes):
        "{} vs Time for {} Failed Drives".format(colname, NUM_DRIVES_TO_SAMPLE)
    ax.set_xlabel("Number of Days")

# keep track of what hard drives were used to generate the data. NOTE: only the first 16 chars of ser will be saved
failed_ser_subset = np.empty(shape=(NUM_DRIVES_TO_SAMPLE), dtype="<S16")

# make the figures
for i, ser in enumerate(
    failed_sers["serial_number"].sample(NUM_DRIVES_TO_SAMPLE, random_state=42)
    # log serial numbers which are being used
    failed_ser_subset[i] = ser
    print("{} / {}. Drive serial number {}".format(i + 1, NUM_DRIVES_TO_SAMPLE, ser))

    # get teh data to make the figures
    drive_data = df[df["serial_number"] == ser][cols_to_plot].compute()

    # dummy x axis data
    xvals = [i for i in range(drive_data.shape[0])]

    # make the plot
    for ax, c in zip(axes, cols_to_plot):
        ax.plot(xvals, drive_data[c])

# save the figures
for f, c in zip(figs, cols_to_plot):

# save the serial numbres used in figures
np.save("failed_graphs_serials", failed_ser_subset)
1 / 50. Drive serial number 175PP3I7T [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 11.8s 2 / 50. Drive serial number S2ZYJ9CFC01460 [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 12.7s 3 / 50. Drive serial number Z4D0D1V1 [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 12.4s 4 / 50. Drive serial number Z304JMAM [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 11.4s 5 / 50. Drive serial number ZJV03CQH [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 11.9s 6 / 50. Drive serial number 88Q0A01NF97G [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 11.9s 7 / 50. Drive serial number ZA181AA1 [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 11.7s 8 / 50. Drive serial number Z3025KZQ [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 11.9s 9 / 50. Drive serial number S301PQF4 [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 11.4s 10 / 50. Drive serial number Z304K4G7 [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 13.0s 11 / 50. Drive serial number Z4D0EVSH [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 19.7s 12 / 50. Drive serial number ZA171RLD [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 28.0s 13 / 50. Drive serial number ZCH07J8T [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 12.3s 14 / 50. Drive serial number Z3025L0M [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 12.6s 15 / 50. Drive serial number Z302A0K4 [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 11.8s 16 / 50. Drive serial number VKG8ZKRX [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 12.1s 17 / 50. Drive serial number Z300JBBN [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 12.9s 18 / 50. Drive serial number Z303XYW6 [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 11.9s 19 / 50. Drive serial number S30116JR [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 12.1s 20 / 50. Drive serial number ZCH08P7M [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 11.6s 21 / 50. Drive serial number WD-WX31A356PK9Y [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 11.7s 22 / 50. Drive serial number ZCH0CRE6 [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 11.9s 23 / 50. Drive serial number PL2331LAG9B5WJ [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 11.6s 24 / 50. Drive serial number WD-WX21D947N1C3 [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 11.6s 25 / 50. Drive serial number PL1331LAHBZ49H [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 11.8s 26 / 50. Drive serial number ZA10NENE [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 11.9s 27 / 50. Drive serial number Z305Q0NT [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 12.2s 28 / 50. Drive serial number Z304MZ1A [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 11.9s 29 / 50. Drive serial number ZCH0CXJ4 [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 11.9s 30 / 50. Drive serial number S2ZYJ9FFB18436 [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 11.9s 31 / 50. Drive serial number S300ZRQS [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 11.8s 32 / 50. Drive serial number ZCH07VXJ [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 12.0s 33 / 50. Drive serial number ZCH0AZB0 [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 11.8s 34 / 50. Drive serial number Z302T6Y1 [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 12.0s 35 / 50. Drive serial number ZCH07W07 [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 12.1s 36 / 50. Drive serial number PL1331LAHD4DYH [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 12.0s 37 / 50. Drive serial number ZJV03NB1 [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 12.0s 38 / 50. Drive serial number ZA1818J7 [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 11.6s 39 / 50. Drive serial number Z3029GF5 [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 12.1s 40 / 50. Drive serial number Z3041C62 [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 11.8s 41 / 50. Drive serial number ZCH07NM4 [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 12.2s 42 / 50. Drive serial number 38M0A00XF97G [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 12.0s 43 / 50. Drive serial number Z304JMCM [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 11.9s 44 / 50. Drive serial number ZCH0715W [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 11.9s 45 / 50. Drive serial number ZCH07B83 [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 11.7s 46 / 50. Drive serial number Z304JCWC [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 11.6s 47 / 50. Drive serial number ZCH07ZFX [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 12.4s 48 / 50. Drive serial number ZCH0D3ZT [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 11.9s 49 / 50. Drive serial number S300Z3XP [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 11.9s 50 / 50. Drive serial number S300WDLE [########################################] | 100% Completed | 1min 11.7s
[ ]
# sample to use for plotting

# one figure per smart stat
for colname, ax in zip(cols_to_plot, axes):
    ax.cla()  # clear data from previous plots
        "{} vs Time for {} Working Drives".format(colname, NUM_DRIVES_TO_SAMPLE)
    ax.set_xlabel("Number of Days")

# keep track of what hard drives were used to generate the data. NOTE: only the first 16 chars of ser will be saved
working_ser_subset = np.empty(shape=(NUM_DRIVES_TO_SAMPLE), dtype="<S16")

# make the figures
for i, ser in enumerate(
    working_sers["serial_number"].sample(NUM_DRIVES_TO_SAMPLE, random_state=42)
    # log serial numbers which are being used
    working_ser_subset[i] = ser
    print("{} / {}. Drive serial number {}".format(i + 1, NUM_DRIVES_TO_SAMPLE, ser))

    # get teh data to make the figures
    drive_data = df[df["serial_number"] == ser][cols_to_plot].compute()

    # dummy x axis data
    xvals = [i for i in range(drive_data.shape[0])]

    # make the plot
    for ax, c in zip(axes, cols_to_plot):
        ax.plot(xvals, drive_data[c])

# save the figures
for f, c in zip(figs, cols_to_plot):

# save the serial numbres used in figures
np.save("working_graphs_serials", working_ser_subset)
[ ]

Backblaze's analysis:

Backblaze also performed some analysis on the SMART stats 5, 187, 188, 197, 198. They concluded that just having one of the stats in an abnormal state may not necessarily mean anything, but all of them being abnormal at the same time is a red flag. Details and some nice diagrams can be found here: https://www.backblaze.com/blog/what-smart-stats-indicate-hard-drive-failures/

Visualize Embeddings

# get the groupby object. there should be one gourp per serial nunmbers
# get only those columns which have less than 50 percent nan values
grouped_data_cols = ["serial_number", "model", "capacity_bytes"] + list(
    nan_count.index[nan_count["percent"] < 0.5]
groups = df[grouped_data_cols].groupby("serial_number")
# get simple stats to represent time series of each hard drive
group_means = groups.mean().compute().add_prefix("mean_")
group_stds = groups.std().compute().add_prefix("std_")
# group_days = groups.size().compute().to_frame('days')
# group_days.index.name = None    # to match the other agg results, so that it can be concatenated easily
[########################################] | 100% Completed | 2min 7.3s [########################################] | 100% Completed | 2min 30.3s
# put the stats together into one df
group_stats = pd.concat([group_means, group_stds], axis=1)

# make serial number a column instead of index. will be easier for calc later
group_stats = group_stats.reset_index()

# need to add failed label
group_stats["failure"] = group_stats["serial_number"].isin(failed_sers["serial_number"])

serial_number mean_capacity_bytes mean_smart_1_raw mean_smart_5_raw mean_smart_7_raw mean_smart_10_raw mean_smart_184_raw mean_smart_187_raw mean_smart_188_raw mean_smart_189_raw mean_smart_190_raw mean_smart_193_raw mean_smart_194_raw mean_smart_197_raw mean_smart_198_raw mean_smart_240_raw mean_smart_241_raw mean_smart_242_raw mean_smart_1_normalized mean_smart_5_normalized mean_smart_7_normalized mean_smart_10_normalized mean_smart_184_normalized mean_smart_187_normalized mean_smart_188_normalized mean_smart_189_normalized mean_smart_190_normalized mean_smart_193_normalized mean_smart_194_normalized mean_smart_197_normalized mean_smart_198_normalized mean_smart_240_normalized mean_smart_241_normalized mean_smart_242_normalized std_capacity_bytes std_smart_1_raw std_smart_5_raw std_smart_7_raw std_smart_10_raw std_smart_184_raw std_smart_187_raw std_smart_188_raw std_smart_189_raw std_smart_190_raw std_smart_193_raw std_smart_194_raw std_smart_197_raw std_smart_198_raw std_smart_240_raw std_smart_241_raw std_smart_242_raw std_smart_1_normalized std_smart_5_normalized std_smart_7_normalized std_smart_10_normalized std_smart_184_normalized std_smart_187_normalized std_smart_188_normalized std_smart_189_normalized std_smart_190_normalized std_smart_193_normalized std_smart_194_normalized std_smart_197_normalized std_smart_198_normalized std_smart_240_normalized std_smart_241_normalized std_smart_242_normalized failure
0 175PP3HDT 5.001079e+11 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 933.293151 33.008219 0.000000 0.0 0.0 NaN NaN 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 NaN NaN 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 44.974722 1.216841 0.000000 0.0 0.0 NaN NaN 0.010974 0.010974 0.010974 0.010974 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.010974 0.010974 0.010974 0.010974 0.010974 NaN NaN False
1 175PP3I4T 5.001079e+11 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 2175.139726 39.224658 0.000000 0.0 0.0 NaN NaN 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 NaN NaN 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 6.571260 1.718963 0.000000 0.0 0.0 NaN NaN 0.010974 0.010974 0.010974 0.010974 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.010974 0.010974 0.010974 0.010974 0.010974 NaN NaN False
2 175PP3I5T 5.001079e+11 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 2024.745205 36.863014 0.000000 0.0 0.0 NaN NaN 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 NaN NaN 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.491750 2.025357 0.000000 0.0 0.0 NaN NaN 0.010974 0.010974 0.010974 0.010974 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.010974 0.010974 0.010974 0.010974 0.010974 NaN NaN False
3 175PP3I6T 5.001079e+11 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1861.000000 34.747945 0.000000 0.0 0.0 NaN NaN 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 NaN NaN 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.000000 1.314325 0.000000 0.0 0.0 NaN NaN 0.010974 0.010974 0.010974 0.010974 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.010974 0.010974 0.010974 0.010974 0.010974 NaN NaN False
4 175PP3I7T 5.001079e+11 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1020.292683 31.283537 2.609756 0.0 0.0 NaN NaN 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 NaN NaN 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 46.040017 0.999440 5.383759 0.0 0.0 NaN NaN 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 NaN NaN True
# FIXME: find a smarter way to deal with nans. drop columns not rows
# for now, just drop it. this drops ~25k observations and leaves us with ~83k
clean_group_stats = group_stats.dropna(how="any")

# make sure we still have enough failure drive data
print(clean_group_stats["failure"].sum(), "failed drives data retained")

835 failed drives data retained
serial_number mean_capacity_bytes mean_smart_1_raw mean_smart_5_raw mean_smart_7_raw mean_smart_10_raw mean_smart_184_raw mean_smart_187_raw mean_smart_188_raw mean_smart_189_raw mean_smart_190_raw mean_smart_193_raw mean_smart_194_raw mean_smart_197_raw mean_smart_198_raw mean_smart_240_raw mean_smart_241_raw mean_smart_242_raw mean_smart_1_normalized mean_smart_5_normalized mean_smart_7_normalized mean_smart_10_normalized mean_smart_184_normalized mean_smart_187_normalized mean_smart_188_normalized mean_smart_189_normalized mean_smart_190_normalized mean_smart_193_normalized mean_smart_194_normalized mean_smart_197_normalized mean_smart_198_normalized mean_smart_240_normalized mean_smart_241_normalized mean_smart_242_normalized std_capacity_bytes std_smart_1_raw std_smart_5_raw std_smart_7_raw std_smart_10_raw std_smart_184_raw std_smart_187_raw std_smart_188_raw std_smart_189_raw std_smart_190_raw std_smart_193_raw std_smart_194_raw std_smart_197_raw std_smart_198_raw std_smart_240_raw std_smart_241_raw std_smart_242_raw std_smart_1_normalized std_smart_5_normalized std_smart_7_normalized std_smart_10_normalized std_smart_184_normalized std_smart_187_normalized std_smart_188_normalized std_smart_189_normalized std_smart_190_normalized std_smart_193_normalized std_smart_194_normalized std_smart_197_normalized std_smart_198_normalized std_smart_240_normalized std_smart_241_normalized std_smart_242_normalized failure
25245 S300V3AD 4.000787e+12 1.477581e+08 8.00000 1.706016e+07 0.0 0.0 2.000000 0.0 0.0 24.000000 1373.500000 24.000000 8.000000 8.000000 733.500000 7.855681e+09 9.421427e+08 115.000000 100.000000 72.000000 100.0 100.0 98.000000 100.0 100.0 76.000000 100.0 24.000000 100.000000 100.000000 100.0 100.0 100.0 0.000000e+00 1.013742e+08 11.313708 3.925327e+05 0.0 0.0 2.828427 0.0 0.0 0.000000 0.707107 0.000000 11.313708 11.313708 16.263456 2.965821e+06 2.004330e+07 5.656854 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 2.828427 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 True
25332 S300VL6S 4.000787e+12 1.224876e+08 15.47541 2.820471e+08 0.0 0.0 2.885246 0.0 0.0 29.836066 46223.196721 29.836066 4.983607 4.983607 21735.639344 4.831991e+10 6.951972e+10 115.081967 99.983607 77.622951 100.0 100.0 98.278689 100.0 100.0 70.163934 77.0 29.836066 99.983607 99.983607 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.555392e+09 7.510494e+07 119.829825 4.248969e+08 0.0 0.0 21.767023 0.0 0.0 2.130574 8.194360 2.130574 38.923211 38.923211 427.247692 2.731702e+08 2.939588e+09 4.148474 0.129099 8.157148 0.000000 0.000000 12.686133 0.000000 0.000000 2.130574 0.016529 2.130574 0.129099 0.129099 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 True
25345 S300VL9M 4.000787e+12 1.189316e+08 0.00000 2.603642e+08 0.0 0.0 0.000000 0.0 0.0 23.928177 37725.588398 23.928177 0.000000 0.000000 25721.668508 5.057224e+10 8.722665e+10 114.928177 100.000000 82.651934 100.0 100.0 100.000000 100.0 100.0 76.071823 82.0 23.928177 100.000000 100.000000 100.0 100.0 100.0 6.516147e+08 7.218180e+07 0.000000 1.447159e+08 0.0 0.0 0.000000 0.0 0.0 1.106695 35.166457 1.106695 0.000000 0.000000 2517.029672 1.750767e+09 1.401718e+10 4.270681 0.022130 3.562712 0.022130 0.022130 0.022130 0.022130 0.022130 1.106695 0.011065 1.106695 0.022130 0.022130 0.022130 0.022130 0.022130 True
25442 S300WCLM 4.000787e+12 1.304328e+08 0.00000 2.310999e+08 0.0 0.0 3.052402 0.0 0.0 20.139738 34587.135371 20.139738 0.000000 0.000000 24127.454148 4.989504e+10 7.959794e+10 115.886463 100.000000 81.864629 100.0 100.0 96.947598 100.0 100.0 79.860262 83.0 20.139738 100.000000 100.000000 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.897599e+09 6.761556e+07 0.000000 2.152696e+08 0.0 0.0 0.223324 0.0 0.0 1.095302 44.154552 1.095302 0.000000 0.000000 1589.720013 9.884072e+08 9.903793e+09 3.253154 0.017506 3.609668 0.017506 0.017506 0.222680 0.017506 0.017506 1.095302 0.004376 1.095302 0.017506 0.017506 0.017506 0.017506 0.017506 True
25547 S300WDLE 4.000787e+12 1.234360e+08 0.00000 5.976873e+08 0.0 0.0 0.000000 0.0 0.0 18.626812 136894.463768 18.626812 0.000000 0.000000 24386.358696 3.846574e+10 8.531973e+10 115.311594 100.000000 84.608696 100.0 100.0 100.000000 100.0 100.0 81.373188 32.0 18.626812 100.000000 100.000000 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.592292e+09 7.314549e+07 0.000000 3.985751e+08 0.0 0.0 0.000000 0.0 0.0 0.965901 56.613898 0.965901 0.000000 0.000000 1915.556400 2.904367e+09 1.170353e+10 3.920676 0.000000 6.594140 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.965846 0.000000 0.965901 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 True

NOTE The percentage of failed hard drives retained is 312/393 = 0.79, and the percentage of healthy hard drives retained is 0.77. So in terms of NaN values dropped in the call in previous cell, the distribution is evenly spread across failed and healthy. (proportion of NaN is same)

# scale the data and find the top principal components
scaler = StandardScaler()
pca = PCA(n_components=3, random_state=42, whiten=True).fit_transform(
    scaler.fit_transform(clean_group_stats.drop(["serial_number", "failure"], axis=1))
# plot pca
colors = ["blue", "red"]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d")
    pca[:, 0],
    pca[:, 1],
    pca[:, 2],
<mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d.Path3DCollection at 0x7f0b9841a208>
# plot umap
client = Client()
with parallel_backend("dask"):
    umap = UMAP(n_components=3, random_state=42).fit_transform(
            clean_group_stats.drop(["serial_number", "failure"], axis=1)
# plot umap
colors = ["blue", "red"]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d")
    umap[:, 0],
    umap[:, 1],
    umap[:, 2],
<mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d.Path3DCollection at 0x7f0b58b60a90>
# tsne embeddings may be more meaningful than pca, but it is extremely slow
# tsne = TSNE(n_components=3, random_state=42)\
#         .fit_transform(scaler.fit_transform(clean_group_stats.drop(['serial_number', 'failure'], axis=1)))

SMART 9 Behavior

SMART 9 represents number of power on hours. This can be indicative of lifespan and therefore be useable for the regression problem

# columns to extract from dataset for analyzing
analysis_cols = ["date", "serial_number", "smart_9_raw", "smart_9_normalized"]

# columns for which to make histogram
hist_cols = ["smart_9_raw", "smart_9_normalized"]

NOTE: The values above have entries from the same drive multiple times -- so it may not be a very good representation of how smart 9 generally is for failed drives. So, we try to get the max entry per serial number (assuming that that would be the latest entry) and plot histogram for that instead

# since failure=1 is marked on the last day that a drive worked, the entries on that day woudl be the most recent ones
# NOTE: this is a property of backblaze dataset, and may not generalize
failed_last_smart9_df = df[df["failure"] == 1][analysis_cols].compute()
# do the same for working drives
working_grouped = df[~df["serial_number"].isin(failed_sers["serial_number"])][
    hist_cols + ["serial_number"]
working_last_smart9_df = working_grouped.max()
((122948, 2),)
# size is not too bad -- we can bring it into memory
working_last_smart9_df = working_last_smart9_df.compute()
# working and failed plots together
for col in hist_cols:
    # get figure and axes for plotting current column
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()

    # plot failed and working onto the axes one by one
    data = working_last_smart9_df[col]
    sns.distplot(data[~data.isna()], ax=ax, label="working")
    data = failed_last_smart9_df[col]
    sns.distplot(data[~data.isna()], ax=ax, label="failed")
[ ]