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Operate First Community Metrics

In this notebook, we would like to analyze the Operate First Community by collecting and visualizing GitHub metrics from Augur. Augur is a software suite for collecting and measuring structured data about free and open-source software (FOSS) communities. It gathers trace data for a group of repositories or a GitHub organization, normalizes it into a data model, and provides a variety of metrics about the said data.

Some of the metrics we would like to focus in this notebook are: 1. Community Vitality (Size & Growth) - All the metrics that can be used to measure both the size and growth of the community such as number of users, number of contributors, number of projects deployed on Operate First, how many new users do we onboard every month, number of issues submitted over time, number of PRs merged over time etc

  1. Impact - Metrics that can be used to understand the impact made by the Operate First community such as how many upstream issues were opened, upstream contributions etc
# Import required packages
import psycopg2
import pandas as pd 
import sqlalchemy as salc
import json
import os
import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from datetime import datetime, timezone

with open("config_temp.json") as config_file:
    config = json.load(config_file)

Connect to Augur Database

We will need to connect to the Augur database which has been configured to fetch the Operate First GitHub data. The database configurations need to be specified in the config.json file. The database schema we will be using is the augur_data schema. You can learn more about the schema here: https://github.com/sandiego-rh/sandiego/blob/master/schema.png.

database_connection_string = 'postgresql+psycopg2://{}:{}@{}:{}/{}'.format(config['user'], config['password'], config['host'], config['port'], config['database'])

engine = salc.create_engine(
    connect_args={'options': '-csearch_path={}'.format(dbschema)})

Retrieve Available Respositories

repolist = pd.DataFrame()
repo_query = salc.sql.text(f"""
             SET SCHEMA 'augur_data';
             SELECT a.rg_name,
                repo_groups a,
                repo b
                a.repo_group_id = b.repo_group_id
            ORDER BY
repolist = pd.read_sql(repo_query, con=engine)
rg_name repo_group_id repo_name repo_id forked_from repo_archived repo_git
0 operate-first 25155 alertmanager-github-receiver 25434 m-lab/alertmanager-github-receiver 0 https://github.com/operate-first/alertmanager-...
1 operate-first 25155 alerts 25431 Parent not available 0 https://github.com/operate-first/alerts
2 operate-first 25155 apps 25450 Parent not available 0 https://github.com/operate-first/apps
3 operate-first 25155 argocd-apps 25454 Parent not available 1 https://github.com/operate-first/argocd-apps
4 operate-first 25155 blueprint 25442 Parent not available 0 https://github.com/operate-first/blueprint
5 operate-first 25155 common 25436 Parent not available 0 https://github.com/operate-first/common
6 operate-first 25155 community 25430 Parent not available 0 https://github.com/operate-first/community
7 operate-first 25155 community-handbook 25455 Parent not available 0 https://github.com/operate-first/community-han...
8 operate-first 25155 continuous-delivery 25445 Parent not available 0 https://github.com/operate-first/continuous-de...
9 operate-first 25155 continuous-deployment 25453 Parent not available 0 https://github.com/operate-first/continuous-de...
10 operate-first 25155 curator 25443 Parent not available 0 https://github.com/operate-first/curator
11 operate-first 25155 espresso-series 25444 Parent not available 0 https://github.com/operate-first/espresso-series
12 operate-first 25155 example-acm-install 25440 Parent not available 0 https://github.com/operate-first/example-acm-i...
13 operate-first 25155 hetzner-baremetal-openshift 25451 Parent not available 0 https://github.com/operate-first/hetzner-barem...
14 operate-first 25155 hitchhikers-guide 25452 Parent not available 0 https://github.com/operate-first/hitchhikers-g...
15 operate-first 25155 installplan-operator 25432 Parent not available 1 https://github.com/operate-first/installplan-o...
16 operate-first 25155 odh-dashboard 25447 opendatahub-io/odh-dashboard 0 https://github.com/operate-first/odh-dashboard
17 operate-first 25155 operate-first 25433 Parent not available 0 https://github.com/operate-first/operate-first...
18 operate-first 25155 operate-first-twitter 25441 Parent not available 0 https://github.com/operate-first/operate-first...
19 operate-first 25155 opfcli 25449 Parent not available 0 https://github.com/operate-first/opfcli
20 operate-first 25155 SRE 25437 Parent not available 0 https://github.com/operate-first/SRE
21 operate-first 25155 sre-apprenticeship 25438 Parent not available 0 https://github.com/operate-first/sre-apprentic...
22 operate-first 25155 support 25448 Parent not available 0 https://github.com/operate-first/support
23 operate-first 25155 template 25439 Parent not available 0 https://github.com/operate-first/template
24 operate-first 25155 toolbox 25435 Parent not available 0 https://github.com/operate-first/toolbox
25 operate-first 25155 workshop-apps 25446 Parent not available 0 https://github.com/operate-first/workshop-apps
rg_name          object
repo_group_id     int64
repo_name        object
repo_id           int64
forked_from      object
repo_archived     int64
repo_git         object
dtype: object
# Make Operate First repo lists to filter for following sql queries
repo_id_name = repolist[repolist['rg_name']=="operate-first"][['repo_id', 'repo_git']]
repo_id_list = repo_id_name['repo_id'].tolist()
print("Number of repositories in Operate First Organization:", len(repo_id_list))
Number of repositories in Operate First Organization: 26
repolist_columns = ['repo_id', 'repo_name']
repolist = repolist[repolist_columns]
repo_id repo_name
0 25434 alertmanager-github-receiver
1 25431 alerts
2 25450 apps
3 25454 argocd-apps
4 25442 blueprint

Now that we have each of the Operate First repositories and their associated repository IDs, we can start fetching the different types of metrics and analyzing them by categories such as Contributors, Issues and PRs.


In order to measure the size and growth of the Operate First community, we can look at our contributor population base and identify the trend in the growth of our community. We can also further distinguish between "internal" and "external" contributors.

  1. Internal Contributors - Core contributors part of the Operate First team
  2. External Contributors - All contributors outside of the Operare First team
# Identify the list of internal contributors
internal_contributors = ['Aakanksha Duggal','Alice Saparov','Anand Sanmukhani','Bill Burns','Christoph Görn','Francesco Murdaca','Fridolín Pokorný','Gagan Kumar','Harshad Reddy Nalla','Heidi Picher Dempsey','Hema Veeradhi',
 'Humair','Isabel Zimmerman','Karanraj Chauhan','Karsten Wade','Lars Kellogg-Stedman','LeihaoChen','Marcel Hild','Margaret Haley','Michael Clifford','Michal Drla','Oindrilla Chatterjee','Operate First','Shrey','Surbhi Kanthed','Surya Prakash Pathak','Thoth Bot','Tom Coufal']

Now, we will fetch the data from the contributors table which contains information pertaining to the contributors such as their names, GitHub ID, contributor ID etc.

contributors = pd.DataFrame()

repo_query = salc.sql.text(f"""
             SET SCHEMA 'augur_data';
             SELECT * FROM contributors

contributors = pd.read_sql(repo_query, con=engine)
# Retain only relevant columns of interest
contributors_columns = ['cntrb_id', 'cntrb_full_name', 'gh_user_id']
contributors = contributors[contributors_columns]
# Add another column to identify whether a user is an internal or external contributor
contributors['cntrb_internal'] = contributors['cntrb_full_name'].apply(lambda x: x in internal_contributors)
#contributors = contributors.dropna()
cntrb_id cntrb_full_name gh_user_id cntrb_internal
0 1 None 1 False
1 277128 Hema Veeradhi 7343099 True
2 277109 Tom Coufal 7453394 True
3 277117 Christoph Görn 260331 True
4 277114 Harshad Reddy Nalla 14028058 True
... ... ... ... ...
255 277590 Gerrod Thomas 865932 False
256 277156 Gagan Kumar 47332731 True
257 277535 Yaniv Kaul 4655593 False
258 277565 None 49317403 False
259 277591 None 538676 False

260 rows × 4 columns

Internal vs External Contributors

Let's see the distribution of internal vs external contributors

False    232
True      28
Name: cntrb_internal, dtype: int64
cntrb_groups = contributors['gh_user_id'].groupby(contributors.cntrb_internal).agg('count')
labels = ["External","Internal"]
plt.title("Internal vs External Contributors")

We have 108 (80.6%) external contributors and 26 (19.4%) internal contributors.


We can also measure the size and growth of the community by analyzing the GitHub repository activities (issues and PRs) by tracking the GitHub issue activity across repositories such as number of issues created over time, number of issues closed over time, number of issues created by internal vs external contributors etc.

We will fetch the data from the issues table which contains information pertaining to the issue activity across repositories such as issue creation time, issue closed time, repository ID, GitHub user ID etc.

START_DATE = '2020-01-01'
END_DATE = '2021-12-31'
issues = pd.DataFrame()

repo_query = salc.sql.text(f"""
             SET SCHEMA 'augur_data';
             SELECT * FROM issues
             WHERE repo_id IN {tuple(repo_id_list)}

issues = pd.read_sql(repo_query, con=engine)
issues = issues[(issues['created_at'] >= START_DATE) & (issues['created_at']<=END_DATE)]
# Retain only relvant columns of interest
issues_columns = ['issue_id', 'repo_id', 'gh_user_id', 'created_at', 'closed_at']
issues = issues[issues_columns]
# Join repository details
issues_repo = issues.set_index('repo_id').join(repolist.set_index('repo_id')).reset_index()
# Join contributor details
issues_repo_cont = issues_repo.set_index('gh_user_id').join(contributors.set_index('gh_user_id')).reset_index()
issues_repo_cont = issues_repo_cont[issues_repo_cont['repo_name'] != "alerts"]
gh_user_id repo_id issue_id created_at closed_at repo_name cntrb_id cntrb_full_name cntrb_internal
0 36604 25437 352816 2021-08-12 12:47:52 NaT SRE 277150 Robert Bohne False
1 36604 25448 353554 2021-08-08 09:28:31 NaT support 277150 Robert Bohne False
2 36604 25448 353557 2021-08-08 09:18:32 NaT support 277150 Robert Bohne False
3 36604 25448 353588 2021-07-14 13:20:59 NaT support 277150 Robert Bohne False
4 36604 25448 353550 2021-08-08 10:16:17 2022-01-07 18:22:07 support 277150 Robert Bohne False
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
29561 89909507 25450 366550 2021-10-25 13:55:02 2021-11-19 18:35:27 apps 277250 Thor*sten Schwesig False
29562 89909507 25450 366390 2021-11-29 20:45:17 2021-11-29 22:28:48 apps 277250 Thor*sten Schwesig False
29563 89909507 25450 366551 2021-10-25 13:53:16 2021-11-02 16:54:12 apps 277250 Thor*sten Schwesig False
29564 89909507 25452 366847 2021-12-08 13:13:10 2021-12-09 17:59:19 hitchhikers-guide 277250 Thor*sten Schwesig False
29565 89909507 25452 366865 2021-09-29 06:34:17 2021-11-12 21:58:07 hitchhikers-guide 277250 Thor*sten Schwesig False

3975 rows × 9 columns

Issues Created Over Time

Lets visualize the number of issues created over time per repository.

issues_repo_cont[['repo_name', 'created_at', 'issue_id']].groupby(['repo_name', 'created_at']).count().plot()
plt.ylabel("# Issues")
plt.title("# Issues Created Over Time per Repository")

Now let's try to visualize the number of monthly issues that were created across all repositories.

issues_repo_time = issues_repo_cont['repo_name'].groupby(issues_repo_cont.created_at.dt.to_period("M")).agg('count')
ax = issues_repo_time.plot()
ax.set_xlim(pd.Timestamp('2020-08-01'), pd.Timestamp('2022-01-31'))
plt.title("Number of Issues Created Over Time")

We see that over the year (2020-2021), we had an increase in the number of issues being created indicating an active community.

Now lets see the number of issues being created per repository.

issues_repo_gb = issues_repo_cont.groupby('repo_name')
issues_repo = pd.DataFrame()
issues_repo['internal'] = issues_repo_gb.apply(lambda x: x['cntrb_internal'].sum())
issues_repo['external'] = issues_repo_gb.apply(lambda x: len(x['cntrb_internal']) - x['cntrb_internal'].sum())
issues_repo.sort_values(by='internal', ascending=False).plot(kind='bar', stacked='True')
plt.title("Number of Issues Created (Grouped by Repository)")

We see that the alerts repo has the highest number of issues being created. The SRE, apps, support and operate-first repositories are other repositories which are active.

plt.title("Issues Created Across Repositories")

We see that 85% of issues are being created in the alerts repository.

Issues Created by External vs Internal Contributors

Let's see the distribution of issues opened by External and Internal contributors

issue_cntrb = issues_repo_cont['issue_id'].groupby(issues_repo_cont.cntrb_internal).agg('count')
plt.title("Issues Opened by External vs Internal Contributors")


We can also measure the size and growth of the community by analyzing the GitHub repository activities (issues and PRs) by tracking the GitHub PR activity across repositories such as number of PRs created over time, number of PRs closed over time, number of PRs created by internal vs external contributors etc.

We will fetch the data from the pull_requests and pull_request_meta tables which contains information pertaining to the PR activity across repositories such as PR creation time, PR closed time, repository ID, PR ID etc.

pr = pd.DataFrame()

repo_query = salc.sql.text(f"""
             SET SCHEMA 'augur_data';
             SELECT * FROM pull_requests
             WHERE repo_id IN {tuple(repo_id_list)}

pr = pd.read_sql(repo_query, con=engine)
pr = pr[(pr['pr_created_at'] >= START_DATE) & (pr['pr_created_at'] <= END_DATE)]
pr_meta = pd.DataFrame()

repo_query = salc.sql.text(f"""
             SET SCHEMA 'augur_data';
             SELECT * FROM pull_request_meta

pr_meta = pd.read_sql(repo_query, con=engine)
# Retain relevant columns
pr_columns = ['pull_request_id', 'pr_created_at', 'pr_closed_at', 'pr_merged_at', 'repo_id']
pr = pr[pr_columns]
pr_meta_columns = ['pull_request_id', 'cntrb_id']
pr_meta = pr_meta[pr_meta_columns]
# Join repository details
pr_repo = pr.set_index('repo_id').join(repolist.set_index('repo_id')).reset_index()
# Join contributor id
pr_repo_cid = pr_repo.set_index('pull_request_id').join(pr_meta.set_index('pull_request_id')).reset_index()
# Join contributor details
pr_repo_cid_cont = pr_repo_cid.set_index('cntrb_id').join(contributors.set_index('cntrb_id')).reset_index()
cntrb_id pull_request_id repo_id pr_created_at pr_closed_at pr_merged_at repo_name cntrb_full_name gh_user_id cntrb_internal
0 277109 209022 25431 2021-03-17 15:31:10 2021-03-17 15:58:04 2021-03-17 15:58:04 alerts Tom Coufal 7453394 True
1 277109 209023 25431 2021-05-03 12:42:07 2021-05-03 13:30:33 2021-05-03 13:30:33 alerts Tom Coufal 7453394 True
2 277109 209025 25430 2021-05-12 08:59:18 2021-05-12 13:37:14 2021-05-12 13:37:14 community Tom Coufal 7453394 True
3 277109 209035 25432 2021-03-22 11:07:03 2021-03-22 12:49:55 2021-03-22 12:49:55 installplan-operator Tom Coufal 7453394 True
4 277109 209036 25432 2021-03-29 09:15:43 2021-04-09 13:38:48 2021-04-09 13:38:48 installplan-operator Tom Coufal 7453394 True
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
3418 277250 210592 25441 2021-10-11 15:05:33 2021-10-12 09:19:11 2021-10-12 09:19:11 operate-first-twitter Thor*sten Schwesig 89909507 False
3419 277250 210624 25448 2021-10-15 12:27:01 2021-10-21 14:11:11 2021-10-21 14:11:11 support Thor*sten Schwesig 89909507 False
3420 277258 210718 25445 2021-12-08 16:42:11 2022-01-11 14:49:29 2022-01-11 14:49:29 continuous-delivery Ryan Cook 3812500 False
3421 277281 210577 25437 2021-10-26 13:38:28 2021-10-26 16:43:38 2021-10-26 16:43:38 SRE axel simon 1172256 False
3422 277284 210598 25446 2021-09-02 16:50:05 2021-09-02 16:58:16 2021-09-02 16:58:16 workshop-apps Diego Uchôa Neves 13623671 False

3423 rows × 10 columns

PRs Created Over Time

Lets visualize the number of PRs created over time per repository.

pr_repo_cid_cont[['repo_name', 'pr_created_at', 'pull_request_id']].groupby(['repo_name', 'pr_created_at']).count().plot()
plt.ylabel("# PRs")
plt.title("# PRs Created Over Time per Repository")

Let's try to visualize the number of monthly PRs that were created across all repositories.

prs_repo_time = pr_repo_cid_cont['repo_name'].groupby(pr_repo_cid_cont.pr_created_at.dt.to_period("M")).agg('count')
ax = prs_repo_time.plot()
ax.set_xlim(pd.Timestamp('2020-08-01'), pd.Timestamp('2022-01-31'))
plt.title("Number of PRs Created Over Time")
cntrb_id pull_request_id repo_id pr_created_at pr_closed_at pr_merged_at repo_name cntrb_full_name gh_user_id cntrb_internal
0 277109 209022 25431 2021-03-17 15:31:10 2021-03-17 15:58:04 2021-03-17 15:58:04 alerts Tom Coufal 7453394 True
1 277109 209023 25431 2021-05-03 12:42:07 2021-05-03 13:30:33 2021-05-03 13:30:33 alerts Tom Coufal 7453394 True
2 277109 209025 25430 2021-05-12 08:59:18 2021-05-12 13:37:14 2021-05-12 13:37:14 community Tom Coufal 7453394 True
3 277109 209035 25432 2021-03-22 11:07:03 2021-03-22 12:49:55 2021-03-22 12:49:55 installplan-operator Tom Coufal 7453394 True
4 277109 209036 25432 2021-03-29 09:15:43 2021-04-09 13:38:48 2021-04-09 13:38:48 installplan-operator Tom Coufal 7453394 True
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
3418 277250 210592 25441 2021-10-11 15:05:33 2021-10-12 09:19:11 2021-10-12 09:19:11 operate-first-twitter Thor*sten Schwesig 89909507 False
3419 277250 210624 25448 2021-10-15 12:27:01 2021-10-21 14:11:11 2021-10-21 14:11:11 support Thor*sten Schwesig 89909507 False
3420 277258 210718 25445 2021-12-08 16:42:11 2022-01-11 14:49:29 2022-01-11 14:49:29 continuous-delivery Ryan Cook 3812500 False
3421 277281 210577 25437 2021-10-26 13:38:28 2021-10-26 16:43:38 2021-10-26 16:43:38 SRE axel simon 1172256 False
3422 277284 210598 25446 2021-09-02 16:50:05 2021-09-02 16:58:16 2021-09-02 16:58:16 workshop-apps Diego Uchôa Neves 13623671 False

3423 rows × 10 columns

Now, let's see the number of PRs created per repository.

prs_repo_gb = pr_repo_cid_cont.groupby('repo_name')
prs_repo = pd.DataFrame()
prs_repo['internal'] = prs_repo_gb.apply(lambda x: x['cntrb_internal'].sum())
prs_repo['external'] = prs_repo_gb.apply(lambda x: len(x['cntrb_internal']) - x['cntrb_internal'].sum())
prs_repo.sort_values(by='internal', ascending=False).plot(kind='bar', stacked='True')
plt.title("Number of PRs Created (Grouped by Repository)")
plt.title("PRs Opened across Repositories")

PRs Created By External vs Internal Contributors

Let's see the distribution of PRs opened by External and Internal contributors

pr_cntrb = pr_repo_cid_cont['pull_request_id'].groupby(pr_repo_cid_cont.cntrb_internal).agg('count')
labels = ["External","Internal"]
plt.title("PRs Opened by External vs Internal Contributors")
irc = issues_repo_cont[['issue_id', 'cntrb_internal']].rename(columns={'issue_id':'Contribution'})
prc = pr_repo_cid_cont[['pull_request_id', 'cntrb_internal']].rename(columns={'pull_request_id':'Contribution'})
iprc = pd.concat([irc, prc])
iprc_groups = iprc.groupby('cntrb_internal').agg('count')['Contribution']

labels = ["External","Internal"]
plt.title("Internal vs External Contributions (PRs + issues)")

This shows that 90.9% of contributions (PRs + issues) are made by internal contributors and 9.1% by external contributors


In this notebook, we collected and visualized community metrics for the Operate First group repositories. We connected to the Augur database to fetch data about github contributions such as issues and PRs. The visualizations can be used to understand community engagement of the group.